
Global Responsibility (AG Globale Verantwortung)

The Umbrella Organisation GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid – represents nationally and internationally the interests of 34 NGOs (Non-governmental organisations), which are active in the fields of development cooperation, domestic development work, humanitarian aid as well as sustainable global economic, social and ecological development. The member organisations, including Welthaus Graz, carry out around 1,000 projects in 120 countries around the world on an annual basis. These projects contribute to provide a good life for all.

The umbrella organisation constantly tries to expand dialogue with politics, government and administration in order to include the issues of the member organisations. Permanent contact is maintained via consultations, personal conversations and correspondence. Six teams are responsible for tasks on specific topics.

Part of the work being done is funded by the Austrian Development Agency as part of a triennial programme. Global Responsibility AG is member of the European Umbrella Organisation CONCORD (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development).


HORIZONT3000 is one of the largest organisations in the field of non-governmental Austrian development cooperation. The work being done by HORIZONT3000 supports marginalised people in Africa, Asia and Latin America in their sustainable and humane development. Assigned by grassroots organisations of the catholic development cooperation and supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation, HORIZONT3000 specialises in the implementation of programmes and projects as well as the secondment of development cooperation experts.

HORIZONT3000 is supported by nine Catholic grassroots organisations from all over Austria including Welthaus Graz, which provides the equity capital as a member organisation. Furthermore, the general assembly and the board are composed from those ranks. Sigrun Zwanzger (Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau) is the current chairwomen of the board.


The KOO (Coordination Office) is a specialised institution of the Austrian Bishop’s Conference with 27 partner organisations within the development and missionary field, including Welthaus Graz, as well as more than 50 missionary congregations. The KOO promotes and coordinates the commitment of the Catholic Church in Austria within these areas and supports those being active when it comes to quality assurance. Generally, KOO represents the development policy and world church concerns and principles of the Catholic Church as a counterpart to economists and political actors within Austria but also on a global scale.

The Coordination Office is a member of an international umbrella organisation of Catholic agencies – CIDSE (International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity) with headquarters in Brussels. At an international level, voting takes places mainly through this umbrella organisation. The aim is to fight poverty and inequality together and to work collectively towards global justice.

AGEZ Steiermark

AGEZ Steiermark

In 1996, organisations active in development policy joined forces to form AGEZ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Steiermark). Currently, AGEZ consists of eleven organisations that carry out educational projects concerning development policy in Styria. Some of the member organisations also work towards a more socially equitable and ecologically sustainable world through their development cooperation projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern/South Eastern Europe.

AGEZ aims to contribute to the development policy discussions in Styria. The perception of citizens is to be sharpened through targeted public relations on relevant global issues. Common interests of AGEZ are represented as a counterpart to political decision-makers at the state and federal level as well as the European Union. Furthermore, the member organisations coordinate their programmes with each other.

AGEZ Members:

Platform of the Styrian Development Policy Groups

The Platform of the Styrian Development Policy Groups was founded in 1991. It consists of more than 50 self-taxation and solidarity groups as well as development policy organisations throughout Styria. Regular meetings take place twice a year (on the 1st Wednesday in April and
October). Most groups work continuously for many years with partnering groups in Africa, Asia and Latin America. They strive to expand self-taxation, fair trade, volunteer work, human rights and informational activities.

Secretary of the Platform: Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau, Bürgergasse 2, 8010 Graz
Tel. (0316)32 45 56-15, Email:

Strategy Group Global Learning

The Strategy Group Global Learning came together in 2003 to implement the results of an international congress of the Council of Europe on Global Learning (Maastricht 2002) in Austria. This includes particularly the promotion of global learning as well as connecting and supporting all those who work in this field. The group sees itself as a cross-organisational and cross-institutional task force in which public agencies and private organisations work collectively.

Welthaus Österreich

Welthaus Österreich (Welthaus Austria) is an alliance of six development organizations of the Catholic Church in Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, St. Pölten and Vienna. Together we are committed to a sustainable, future-oriented society in which human dignity and justice play a central role.